Candy Canes
Calories in Candy Cane - Nutrition Facts and Ranking
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Calories in a Peppermint Candy Cane | LIVESTRONG.COM
It's hard to resist grabbing a candy cane when you see them all around you during the holiday season. While a peppermint candy cane consists mostly of empty calories, eating one now and then can be part of a healthy diet. A 6-inch peppermint candy cane provides 55 calories.
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how it's made Candy Canes
Uploaded by How Made on 2014-12-06.
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How To Make Candy Cane
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
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Candy Cane Mice
Learn how to make Candy Cane Mice with felt and our printable template.
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PVC Candy Cane Decorations
These candy canes are made of standard 3/4" PVC pipe. If you want, you can opt for the 1" PVC or, with ore work, something even bigger. In the picture are the PVC pipes cut to 5' lengths. Easily done by cutting the standard 10' length in half with a saw.
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Homemade Candy Canes
Try making these candy canes during the holidays. They will look extra special hanging on your Christmas tree. -Taste of Home Test Kitchen Grease two baking sheets with butter; set aside. In a large saucepan, bring the sugar, water, corn syrup and cream of tartar to a boil.
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Nothing says Christmas like candy canes. Ingredients: (this made 15 decent size candy canes, filled one jar with small candies, and still had some left over) 700g sugar 300g glucose syrup (corn syrup) 1/3 - 1/2 cup of water 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar (can be left out if you can't find it) 1-2 teaspoons of peppermint extract/essence Red food colouring Will keep for a couple of days.
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How to Make a Candy Cane
How to Make a Candy Cane. Delight friends and family with these easily made sweet red and white striped treats--made with love. Preheat the oven at a low temperature, just enough to make it warm, to be turned off when you first add the can...
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Making Candy Canes
An informative video on the production of candy canes in a factory.
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